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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Time for new tires on the Jeep...

Goodyear TripleTred tires to be specific, for my Jeep Comanche. Why? Well, four of my five tires are wearing thin and needed to be replaced, but what's actually shoving me to get the replacements right before FC is that when I was driving to Sacramento today while talking to jwoulf on the phone to pick up some cables for FC, I noticed a sharp 'shimmy' and a thrumming coming mostly from the rear of the truck. JWoulf said, to paraphrase, "Get the hell to the side of the road NOW and check your tires!"

Checked the tires, the mate of the rear tire that blew out before (rear driver side, previously the rear passenger-side tire blew out on an earlier road-trip a year ago or so) had obviously started to fail, the sidewall could be squiggled around like the skin on your knee, but the tire itself felt taut and stiff still. AKA, the sidewall had seperated from the actual inner core of the tire. So... yeah, the two front tires have less wear but they're all approaching the legal limit and all getting replaced at once. The one previously-replaced tire will become the new spare tire, and the four TripleTred's will be the primary tires now.

Amusingly, one of the local installers TireRack recommended has the tire in stock(Gerard Goodyear #4861), but normally sell it for $175 versus the $122 from TireRack. They said they'd price-match though, for obvious reasons. If they didn't, I'd just buy the tires online and get them shipped and they know it, and at that point probably have them shipped elsewhere if they acted that arrogantly. So, save the shipping costs possibly, and get the tires before the FurCon staff meeting instead of after. Unfortunately I haven't been able to finish the one task I was supposed to. =-.-=

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